This is not going to be a fortune cookie blog update, rather a substantial reflection on what happened yesterday, because it was such a lovely day.
Where to start?
My brother is a world class trap shooter, I mean the type of kid that can hit 100 flying targets in a row and not feel overly proud of himself. My Dad is his number one fan and the two headed down to Sparta Illinois Sunday for the Olympics of shooting: the Grand American. In the past, my mom and I have come along but stayed in St. Louis because for non-trapshooters the place is a heated death trap that kills the soul if there for over 6 hours. I kid you not, I've never been so bored in my life. The boys hate it when we're there because we complain about the heat, boredom, country music etc. (I know, we're prissy but they love us anyway.) Well this year my family has been relatively frugal since my parents have to pay off two house payments (i.e. this one and the one up in K-Ville) I know things will loosen up when we start receiving rent checks, but anyway we weren't able to go on vacation in that area due to the price of gas, hotels, etc. (St. Louis is overrated anyway!)
Instead, the ever thrifty Greenspan Girls embarked on a "staycation" in Kansas City.
Day One was filled with movies and cats curled up in our laps.
Day Two was more eventful. We enjoyed an afternoon on the plaza and a delicious meal at the Cheesecake Factory. (We avoided the actual cheese cake for the sake of our budget and waistline) however my chicken dish was orgasmic and it included mashed potatoes, which, all that know me can attest to, they my favorite food in the whole world. (Two things: I know it is little kid like to have my favorite food be a side dish, and second I know that I haven't tried all the food in the world, but so far, they win.) Anyway, I just love the plaza. The Spanish architecture makes me wonder how similar it is to that of "Espania." If I visit Michael in Spain next year I'll know for sure. Also, I can't drive by the Nelson without my stomach dropping in excitement. It's beautiful to see. In my mind, I can't imagine a better place to live than this historic, lovely, and seasonal city. (Ok, maybe London will be exponentially more historical and exciting, but Kansas City still has been a wonderful place to grow up.) I kept thinking that today when my mom and I were out and about. I felt premature nostalgia for this summer and the time with my mom and I found myself hoping that she and the city would never change. I'm not wishing down the days to Truman as fervently anymore.
And last but not least, I made an impulse purchase on In my defense... it was refurbished and $50 cheaper than usual. It's also red, which is my favorite color. And it's
mince ... I actually had the chance to employ some of the french I've been learning. Je suis :). mince = thin. Tu es grosse? No, je suis mince! Forgive me, I may have just butchered that.
So dear blog readers, now you know two favorites of mine... :)
Also, I refuse to spellcheck - edit anything I've written, so you'll just have to deal with all my grammar mistakes green squiggly line.