Monday, March 30, 2009

My Life as I know It

I want to be a professor.
Je veux etre en prof de l'histore ou philosophie.
After SBL and all sorts of other amazing opportunities that have become not only tangible, but within reach, I cannot imagine doing anything else. Which leads me to my next thought, now that I've figured out what I want to "be" when I grow up, does that push me closer to "being" grown up? The details may not be clear, but the outline is starting to shift into focus:

Study Abroad: Israel -- Junior Year -- France: Fall 2010 -- Graduate --Fulbright or Rotary (study somewhere amazing for a year) -- Come back to the US and start Ph.D. track.

I know its hazy, but at least it's something.

Two things need to be on that path:

God and Travel. (check?)

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