Friday, February 1, 2008

You heal my back, I'll scratch, massage, lather in gold yours

My back is killing me. The pain has become more severe as the week progresses. I am constantly aware of my spinal cord and lumbar region, which is inflamed and cursing me! I feel like I am constantly complaining about it, which I'm sure frustrates those who are frequently around me. (cough.. Sarah and Matt) By the way, coughing hurts the most. And as I recover from Bronchitis, I find that coughing is not an easy symptom to avoid.
My Dad, who happens to be a D.O., did a treatment last weekend, but to no avail. I think it only helped my neck.

I know this sounds crass, but damn it, I feel like I'm eighty years old with osteoporosis.

Web MD that my systems may be caused by stress. I feel like my back pain is the cause of the stress.

I'm going to go to sleep and stop bitching...

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